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Mahanaim Cyber College in Botswana
Author : Mahanaim     Date Posted:2011-06-20 16:50:18     Views:2768


These are the Botswana Mahanaim Cyber College students

during the lecture time at their newly located Botswana Church. 


In one screen shot we can see the hearts of the students

who are tentatively listening to the lectures; not wanting to miss out on anything.




We can get a peek at how earnestly they listen to the lectures

as well as their expression of happiness they cant experience anywhere else. 





Though this Mahanaim Cyber College is far away in Africa,

being able to meet these students through pictures brings about familiarity.

If it is a place where there is the Mahanaim Cyber College; 

we would like to often hear updates and news about the students.  





In the wild plains of Africa,  in the Amazon River of South America,

through the internet the Mahanaim Cyber College expects to meet everyone. 



We ask for your prayers for the Mahanaim Cyber College in Botswana.^^


PatriciaSeetetso exciting pictures. may God continue to bless all the lecturers and students of Mahanaim across the world. blessings from Botswana.  2012-06-05 22:09:01

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